
Hope you enjoy colouring this one...

Welcome to the Wildersoul Colouring Book.

Thank you all for your ongoing support!

There are over 365 artworks in this free online colouring book already. My original goal was to upload artwork daily for a year, and I have exceeded my own expectations by reaching this number after only six months.


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I will unveil Stage Two of the great colouring book plan soon.

Until then, please feel free to print and colour in this collection of free artwork. You are welcome to browse anytime. Comments are very welcome. Also links to your drawings and completed colouring pics are very welcome too.

Colouring helped in my healing from post-traumatic stress. I love to hear how colouring helps heal your soul too.

Some quotes from my colouring community:

  1. Hi, thanks for dropping by my page. I’m so surprised that such a blog like yours exist. I have recently got acquainted with mandela colouring, and is trying to pursue as a hobby or as a way to destress and refocus. Can you share how has colouring therapy help you?

    • Hi althea, thanks for your comment. Colouring helps me to remember trauma from my past. I can only guess at why it helps. It will be to do with the brain, and how the brain works. I colour and draw sometimes with the hand that I do not normally write with. This also helps me to remember. It is very hard work to bring traumatic memories to the conscious mind, where they can be processed. I found it was good to have some support available, in the form of someone who will be there, listen, believe, and accept what happened. Colouring is only a part of the things I have done to heal from trauma. There are a lot of things which may sound simple, and are very helpful. Sun, water, sleep. Writing about what happened. Crying. And many creative things, with a focus on expressing myself with regards to the trauma. There are many support groups available online.

  1. Kumusta?

    Thanks for the visit to my blog. I used to colour too when I needed to cope with my depression and all of that. Thanks for sharing this and I hope you get your plans to provide these coloring sheets off the ground soon.

    Warmest regards,

  1. If you don’t mind, I’d like to use some of your pages for my classes. I teach “Ethics and World Religions” in an international primary school in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. I try to offer children a wide range of tools to use in their (future) lives to develop mindfulness. I think coloring is certainly one of these tools!

    • Rebecca,
      I am most honoured that you would like to use my colouring pages for your classes. I wish you all the best with the children, and give you full permission to use my artwork for your stated purpose.
      My very best,

  1. Absolutely love your idea/concept for this blog and can’t wait to see where it all goes! Coloring is indeed incredibly soothing. I thought you’d be interested to know that, during my time as an undergrad at New York University: Gallatin School of Individualized Study, I used to go every Wednesday to the “Cookies and Coloring Club” — we would just snack on cookies and milk while coloring to our heart’s content! :) I really look forward to following your blog. Best regards, G. E.

  1. Love seeing this. It’s such a nice idea -creating and drawing are so good for our own souls and then sharing them with other people to colour in – that’s really like a ripple in a pond – you never know what it might touch. Lovely (thanks so much for dropping by my blog too…:))

  1. WOWWW ! ! ! My wife and my daughter will really enjoy your blog … they love to color.
    I think your blog is great. I’m looking forward to following your blog.

  1. Very interesting stuff here :) you are so right about coloring and its therapeutic qualities. Years back in London a friend had a breakdown but refused any kind of medical help.
    She discovered coloring her then five year old son’s Anime comic books calmed her soul…she ran with it and not only did this help her; she has been able to help so many people with it.
    I think inside all of us is still the innocent child who finds comfort in the simpler things of life;perhaps this would help explain why a simple activity like coloring can have an amazing healing effect on many.
    Thanks for coming by my place, I too will be visiting often here :)

    Beautiful graphics. I especially like your geometric designs. I recently discovered the joy of coloring while in a psychiatric hospital. Have you considered marketing your artwork to them? Just an idea. I know the hospital I was at had many different styles of coloring pages and I really enjoyed doing it. So much so, I just 2 weeks ago bought myself some coloring books. So sorry I didn’t discover your site sooner. But when I’m finished with these, your creations are where I will head.

Check out My Community – Poem Art for some wonderful poems inspired by colouring book art.  Also, find some interesting thoughts on poem therapy, and art therapy. See also Kira Woodsbury’s new blog at My Pen, My Sword ~fighting my addictions one word at a time~

Click here for my Old About page and share the joys and struggles of starting out on this colourful adventure…

398 thoughts on “About

  1. Grab a snack. For my part, I’m going to grab a bed. It’s near 3 am now. I am an ungracious insomniac that loves to sleep, and a shameless blog-hater that likes new friends.


  2. Having never been to Australia, I am not quite sure where to find the fuse. It is a little off to the Northwest and quite big. New Zealanders tend to be quite fond of Canada and Canadians in general too. Beautiful geese.


  3. Once, I built a rocket ship but discovered I had no fuel, however there is ample rye in this land to fuel any spacecraft, so I boarded it and went to the spoon. It’s all cheese, you know.

    I used to hate gobstoppers…. soooo frustrating.

    Trentle Win. I’ve heard of him. But I’m pretty sure he’s a bit of an ass.

    I’m Canadian but spend much time in the States. I like New Zealand types. I fear my beloved company is about to be purchased by an Australian firm; please do ever so delicately, if you get the chance, defuse my concerns. I don’t even know what Aussie dollar is called. Anyway, New Zealand. Never been there. But nice to meet you!


  4. The muun? No, no, I live here in New Zealand. (How did those commas sneak in there!??)

    Oddballs, I like them – they are a bit like gobstoppers are they not?

    Formal introductions are a wonderful exchange, where true colours are teased out, and misunderstandings such as the Trentle Win are smoothed out into Monsieur LeWin thank you very much! Just as well you like wierd!

    Are you Canadian then, or American? (I am guessing haphazardly, not having read much of your blog as yet.)


  5. What on earth kind of blog is this? It’s weird. I like weird. I fear that I must stick around. If ever my comments become a little bit just too oddball, kindly suck it.

    Colouring… just so different. I don’t really know what to think. I like that. I like not knowing things. Good to meet you more formally – the best to you. Bring me colour please. I see that you spell that world with a ‘u’ – are you, too, resident of the moon?


  6. Pingback: Navigation | Wildersoul Colouring Book

  7. Update on the Poetry Group: I am going to have to put this off till next week. I began my new work schedule and I am tired. We have the list and if either of the two that submitted ideas as to how to set up this group would like instead to “take over” I am all for that. Just email me or comment here and I actually hope someone takes me up on this offer. I wanted to be a “participant” not the leader on this. But I will help construct the format of the group and provide the “platform” obviously for the setup and if no one volunteers I will group people next week and simply set a date to have your poem posted, maybe a label and tag we will all use, and a date to try and have reviews done (a week shouldn’t be hard). I will wait and see what kind of responses I get here.

    I am going to tag this post with PCG1 for now.

    -Opinionated Man


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