Butterflies – More!

Free your creativity and colour the butterflies wings any way you choose. Find out more about butterflies at http://www.butterflywomanpublishing.com/

butterfly4a low-res

The next pic is only half a butterfly! What will you draw in the other half of the picture?  Turn the page around – does it look like something else now? Have fun colouring this one!

butterfly4b half mirror low-res

This next one is in a round frame, and looks a bit like a sticker! Or a badge to embroider on to a jacket. Or perhaps a design to paint on to an old suitcase!

butterfly4c round low-res

A butterfly-shaped frame for a butterfly! Have fun colouring…

butterfly4 low-res

I wonder if your picture will have stripes or dots…. bright colours or subdued…. wiggles or squiggles….? 🙂 Enjoy your imagination. And feel free to share with others by dropping a link in the comments, or leaving a pingback to your blog.  Any poems or songs inspired by butterflies? Video clips? A butterfly dance?  What about your own favourite drawings? Or, share your story about butterflies…

Happy Colouring,


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